We've almost finished the move! Hostgator Issues Resolved!

  • Thursday, 17th April, 2014
  • 16:08pm
In response to the persitent problems we have experienced with HostGator over the last year, for better or worse, we have now almost completely removed all traces of DNS and Account data from our HostGator servers.  For years we heralded HostGator as a premier hosting solution and placed our trust in their hosting services.  With the acquisition of HostGator by EIG (Endurance International Group) in 2013, and the subsequent move from The Planet (Arizona Datacenter) to a BlueHost center in Utah, the technical and support services provided by HostGator are no longer sufficient for high availability hosting needs.

We have migrated our servers to a redundant array with the LiquidWeb hosting company in Lansing Michigan.  Learn More about LiquidWeb hosting services.

Thank you for your patience,

The Holodyn Team
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