wbTeamPro v3.28.1 for WHMCS Released

  • Dienstag, 3. April, 2018
  • 23:42pm

A new version of wbTeamPro is now available for download or automatic OTA installation. This version requires WHMCS v7.2 to operate properly, and is compatible with the recent v7.5 release.

To update your installation simply open the "Upgrade" tab from the wbTeamPro configuration area. Older installations versions will require the package be downloaded from the services area of your account @ billing.holodyn.com. If you do not see the update available please login and download from our website.

Changes since our last posted release announcement include:

# 3.16.2-stable.0

- Feature: Updated project search to include the `project_id` field
- Feature: Updated project list view to show the `project_id` with the name
- Feature: Added Portuguese admin language file
- Feature: Implemented the correct date display formats in the client view
- Fundamental: Deprecated the jQuery timepicker plugin
- Fundamental: Improved date picker functionality in client views

# 3.16.3-stable.0

- Bug: Improvements to Lara Theme implementation on left menu
- Bug: Corrected broken project object introduced with v3.13

# 3.17.0-stable.0

- Feature: Added client tab display filter to hide tabs with no content
- Feature: Added wbTimeLog curernt balance on Timer dialog
- Feature: Added french admin language
- Fundamental: Modified override autoloader to also find `autoload.php`

# 3.17.1-stable.0

- Bug: Patch activeTab identification after plugin tab injection on project view
- Fundamental: Isolated timelog model group handler for hook injection
- Bug: Resolve warning message on html table handler
- Fundamental: Added tabId to new js tabs
- Bug: Redirect to Login on invalid session

# 3.18.0-stable.0

- Bug: Hide merged tickets from the ticket linking selector list on the ticket list view
- Bug: Corrected the Gantt scrolling error that would occur after storing an action
- Bug: Corrected date formatting error that would occur after the client action edit form is submitted
- Fundamental: Removed global use of $admin, $adminId, $client, $clientId, $contact, $contactId

# 3.18.1-stable.0

- Bug: Patched error detecting valid wbTimeLog js object instance
- Bug: Patched the client and ticket columns on the timelog report
- Feature: Modified Action, Project, and Timelog reports to render raw date / duration values on export
- Feature: Moved the Action, Project, and Timelog report title/description values to the admin language for customization

# 3.18.2-stable.0

- Bug: Patch missing admin / client / contact default smarty values for email templates

# 3.18.3-stable.0

- Bug: Patch load order issue with sub-action widgets that depend on parent widget
- Feature: Implemented initial version of RTL language styles
- Fundamental: Updated permission restrictions for setup and plugins when in demo mode

# 3.19.0-stable.0

- Bug: Patch recursive event break affecting nested action deletion
- Bug: Patch ticket counters department filter
- Feature: Added system_onBeforeStore_Config and system_onBeforeDelet_config events
- Feature: Added logging of system configuration changes to the log plugin
- Fundamental: PHP v7 compatability

# 3.19.1-stable.0

- Bug: Event Dispatch recursive check serialization error (temporarily disabled)
- Bug: Manual Cron login redirect resolved
- Bug: Removed debug code from client ticket create event

# 3.19.2-stable.0

- Bug: Patch client contact name handler error when including CompanyName

# 3.19.3-stable.0

- Fundamental: Lara Theme plugin style updates
- Fundamental: Blend Theme mobile style compatability updates

# 3.20.0-stable.0

- Bug: Add missing project_id to timelog trigger response
- Bug: Adjusted asset display in project view header
- Bug: Removed missed legagy global $admin, $adminId, $client usage
- Feature: Added Project timer dialog to project view
- Feature: Added table view for CSV files for admin and client
- Feature: Added 'jpeg' to known image types for inline display
- Feature: Added drag/drop file to file thread view
- Feature: Improved the file thread layout
- Feature: Improved Timer dialog responsive layouts
- Fundamental: Added wbTeamPro_Common::getFileViewType( $file );
- Fundamental: Added wbTeamPro_Common::renderFileViewHtml( $file );
- Fundamental: Started migration of icons to font-awesome

# 3.20.1-stable.0

- Bug: Patch security on storage of permitted user from WHMCS Addons manager

# 3.20.2-stable.0

- Bug: Implemented temporary patch to alleviate MySQL 5.7 ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY errors

# 3.21.0-stable.0

- Bug: patch modified date in file thread list
- Bug: patch api request parsing error
- Fundamental: improved file cache handling for load performance
- Fundamental: added template to notification mail error message

# 3.22.0-stable.0

- Bug: Remove invalid admin_onRenderTicketProjectTabForm event from example plugin
- Bug: Patch YAML parser on CDN plugin
- Bug: Patch script include parameter handler in html class
- Feature: Added automatic timelog start or dialog open on Ticket view
- Feature: Added automatic timelog stop on AdminLogout event
- Fundamental: Added wbTeamPro_Common::parseYaml( $yamlString ) handler

# 3.23.0-stable.0

- Feature: Markdown display on Project / Action notes

# 3.23.1-stable.0

- Bug: Patch admin role update logic in whmcs module definition

# 3.23.2-stable.0

- Bug: Missing project_id in timelog trigger response
- Bug: Fix Lara 7.4.1 timelog dialog integration
- Fundamental: Validate project, inherit user on timelog start

# 3.24.0-stable.0

- Bug: Patch timelog client grouping discrepancy
- Feature: Added Polish language
- Feature: Added Archived filter to the Timelog list
- Fundamental: Removed WHMCS\Cron object dependency during cron operation

# 3.25.0-stable.0

- Bug: Error with timelog sync of ticket client

# 3.26.0-stable.0

- Feature: Added option to disable deletion or projects on service termination

# 3.26.1-stable.0

- Bug: Patch failure to terminate when deletion disabled

# 3.27.0-stable.0

- Bug: Moved signature injection to precede the email {$footer}
- Bug: Error with ticket associating when created from project
- Feature: Lara theme menu enhancements
- Feature: Ability to lock timelogs after they have been completed
- Feature: Chosen select search added to ticket association select

# 3.28.0-stable.0

- Feature: Added Markdown translation to Client Project details
- Fundamental: Improved Client Tab CSS
- Fundamental: Added Carbon to Smarty for WHMCS v7.5 compliance

# 3.28.1-stable.0

- Bug: Patch register of admin/client hook isolation

Have a suggestion for wbTeamPro for WHMCS? Check out our Feature Tracker.

Have a questions or comment? Submit a ticket with our Support Department.

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