wbTeamPro v3.44.0 for WHMCS Released

  • Cümə, 3rd Aprel, 2020
  • 13:44pm

A new version of wbTeamPro is now available for download or automatic OTA installation. This version is recommended for installations of WHMCS v7.9 and higher.  To update your installation simply open the "Upgrade" tab from the wbTeamPro configuration area or download from the services area of your account @ https://billing.holodyn.com.

Changes since our last posted release announcement include:

## 3.44.0-stable.0 - 2020-04-02
### Added
- date range filter on project, action, file, discussion, and ticket lists

### Fixed
- CSS compression url() updated to support encoded string from Bootstrap library

## 3.43.0-stable.0 - 2020-04-02
### Added
- DanGrossman DateRangePicker implementation for Data/DateTime fields
- Added signature to create ticket dialog

### Changed
- Upgraded the New Action dialog from the Support Ticket view

### Fixed
- CSS Cache corrupting base64 encoded image data
- Timelog association corruption when running ticket timer client conflicts with assigned project client

## 3.42.0-stable.0 - 2019-09-25
### Added
- jQuery noConflict

### Fixed
- PHPMailer usage
- jQuery/jQuery UI implementation on client theme
- Latest file date/time display in file list

## 3.41.1-stable.0 - 2019-09-12
### Changed
- Project injection tweaks for support ticket list

## 3.41.0-stable.0 - 2019-09-12
### Added
- "Project on Ticket List" toggle for the Project column on the WHMCS ticket list, found under the Display configuration tab
- Timelog timer and Elapsed display to Project column on the WHMCS ticket list

## Fixed
- Patched error with CSS asset compressor

### Removed
- JQuery UI cleanup of remaining widgets/tooltip.js element

## 3.40.1-stable.0 - 2019-09-06
### Removed
- jQuery UI widgets/tooltip.js from package to resolve conflict with IntelligentSearch

## 3.40.0-stable.0 - 2019-09-04
### Added
- jQuery UI script to header
- JS/CSS asset cache to single file feature

### Changed
- Marked line break implementation for client
- jQuery theme 1.12.1 folder

### Fixed
- Patched client action tab from hiding on client view

## 3.39.0-stable.0 - 2019-07-15
### Added
- Project column to the WHMCS Support Tickets list

## 3.38.0-stable.0 - 2019-06-11
### Added
- Notification plugin Check All UI
- Plugin Disable/Enable events to plugin save operation
- Root app path to the asset lookup path (allow asset paths like /plugin/example/inc/admin.css)

### Changed
- Segmented notificaiton plugin css to be included only when loading project/plugin form

### Fixed
- Notification plugin alert ID collision
- Fixed project activity widget duplicate column display

## 3.37.0-stable.0 - 2019-04-18
### Fixed
- JS Error on client home from projectactivity widget

### Added
- Updated projectactivity widget to use admin/client view file

## 3.36.0-stable.0 - 2019-04-18
### Fixed
- CSS styling collapsing multiple line select boxes
- Gantt date patch causing shifted display

### Changed
- Flipped the Assigned / Managed fields on the Action edit dialog

## 3.35.0-stable.0 - 2019-03-09
### Added
- Added Save & New button to the Action Edit dialog (previously on New records only)

### Changed
- Language key encoding for utf8 support

### Removed
- InvoicePaid operation no longer needed for service module operation

## 3.34.0-stable.0 - 2019-03-09
### Added
- Added Save & New button to the Action Edit dialog (previously on New records only)

### Changed
- Adjusted layout of Action Edit form to compress height

## 3.33.0-stable.0 - 2019-03-07
### Added
- Added sanitation to the project status values injected on the row wrapper on project lists

### Fixed
- Patched FA implementation

## 3.32.0-stable.0 - 2019-03-01
### Added
- Added utf8 output formatting to project list items on server module

### Fixed
- Project Copy operation error
- Funky .form-control and .btn styles introduces with standalone bootstrap css

## 3.31.2-stable.0 - 2019-02-22
### Added
- Action copy modal language
- FontAwesome ruleset to mainmenu block

## 3.31.1-stable.0 - 2019-02-22
### Changed
- Styles on client widget

### Fixed
- Bootstrap noConflict implementation error affects WHMCS 7.5 users

## 3.31.0-stable.0 - 2019-02-20
### Added
- Added Apply to All operation to the notification plugin configuration page

### Changed
- Refactored project copy to use new event model

### Fixed
- Patched broken email notification on ticket reply/close event behavior
- Removed incomplete flagged, status, priority ticket notification events

## 3.30.1-stable.0 - 2019-02-18
### Added
- Action tree asset column update on row change

### Fixed
- Patch js for YUI ES5 compressor
- Resolved TicketAdminReply ticket object error

## 3.30.0-stable.0 - 2019-02-18
### Added
- Added action copy feature (currently from project action tree view only)
- Added portable jquery-ui
- Added action copy/move button
- Added bootstrap button styles to several admin views
- Added ticket, file, and topic count badges to the action tree view
- Added table_onAfterCopy_Action, table_onAfterCopy_File, table_onAfterCopy_Topic, and table_onAfterCopy_Timelog events

### Changed
- Improved display of the duration graph and elapsed column in action tree view
- Improved file, topic, timelog list sorting

### Fixed
- Resolved bootstrap / jquery-ui conflict in blend theme

## 3.29.0-stable.0 - 2019-02-16
### Highlights
- Added client dashboard project widget
- Refactored the widget on admin Client Profile > Product view
- Expanded Notifications plugin
    - Added an alert to notify of ticket replies to project related tickets
    - Added defa notification settings to plugin configuration which are applied to new projects
- Expanded ticket activity listeners   
    - Added notification on project related ticket reply   
    - Activity date update propagation on ticket reply
- Added client, project, action, and LANG variable translation to client project/action detail view

### Added
- Added `pagetemplate` value to admin Smarty instance
- Added missing `headoutput`, `headeroutput`, and `footeroutput` values to the admin Smarty instance
- Added hosting environment detail display on Addon jump page
- Expanded the Action permission handler to allow limited administrators to create child actions on permitted parent actions
- Added visible option selector to the File and Discussion thread forms
- Added checkbox to include archived projects in the *Client Profile > Projects* tab instead of showing them by default
- Added markdown note editing to the gantt view
- Added a timer start/stop button to the *Project List* view and *Projects with Recent Activity* widget
- Added a client area *Project Activity* dashboard widget
- Refactored the *Related Project* section displayed on the *Products/Services* admin view to use the standard *Project List* view and incldue a dialog to Create a new project from a Project Template
- Added `aes_encrypt` and `aes_decrypt` helper methods to common class
- Added `getFailedResults` and `getSuccessfulResults` methods to dispatch class
- Added missing `SystemURL` value to the email Smarty instance
- Added support for `clearAssign` method for Smarty v3
- Added global `Smarty` class usage before attempting to use `WHMCS\Smarty` wrapper
- Added `interpolate` method to the html class for string variable replacement
- Added `encoder` to the OTA update object
- Added `getConfig` method to the otaupdate class
- Added `client`, `project`, `action`, and `LANG` interpolation to the client Project and Action views
- Added Project/Action notifications on related Ticket replies
- Added optional anonymous usage statistic report with license check
- Added portable fontawesome 4.7 font library
- Added portable bootstrap 4.1 css library
- Added system_beforeSendEmail event

### Changed
- Updated the project notification plugin to apply default alert options when creating new projects
- Modified "Check Again" behavior on Addon jump page
- Modified version / dashboard language on Addon jump page
- Modified htaccess example to include SymLink options optional
- Modified htaccess example to expand the optional attachment file types
- Replaced global hook methods with pseudo hook closures
- Changed language from "Create Thread" to "Upload File" and "Start Discussion"
- Changed style injection method to support WHMCS 7.5+

### Removed
- WHMCS legacy intallation validation functionality

### Fixed
- Added lookup for ticket, topic, and file record details when missing before notification emails are generated
- New project restriction on Notification options
- Alert defaults on new project
- Smarty assignment of variable objects during email html generation

Have a suggestion for wbTeamPro for WHMCS? Check out our Feature Tracker.
Have a questions or comment? Submit a ticket with our Support Department.

<< Geri